Status Quo Disruptor

Ex-Apple, Starbucks, Pandora, Etsy

I’m not for everyone. I’m for the bold who desire change. The believers in good intentions, and the strivers for greater impact.

The ones daring enough to change the status quo.

Fueled by a conviction to not just challenge the norm,
but change it.

It’s time to rip up the playbook
and write a new one.

With 20+ years in the capital “P” People space designing strategies, programs, and developing leaders for the world’s most iconic brands, I’ve got a pretty good idea, and a slew of opinions, about what works and what doesn’t.

My approach is grounded in the belief we have to let go of the well-worn paths, the comfort zones, the best practices. We have to push beyond mere repetition of what's been done, and design news ways of working.

I am not here to do what has already been done—this is Dacia.


I've spent over two decades developing fit for purpose teams, programs, and processes that help people be better, bolder, and more bad-ass. 

I’ve had a front row seat as a People/HR leader inside of iconic brands, consulting agencies, and start-ups. I’ve seen what works, and how things can go off-the-rails. 

In all my work, I find the balance between compassion and straight-talk, directing and collaborating. 

I believe it’s time to let go of the old ways of working and embrace what the future can bring. 


No one wants to be a bad leader, and companies everywhere have them. Galvanized leadership; where leaders at all levels share a vision for leading and are held accountable by, and to, their people.

Performance Programs

The programs and systems for performance management are remnants of the industrial revolution, and were not only terrible back then, but now they are reckless ways of doing and believing.


I've been finding the sweet spot between content, delivery, and timing for two decades. From writing content to designing writing classes, I aspire to make words sing and rid the world of TL:DR drivel.


It’s hard to see a new way forward from the inside; harder to separate the people from the organizational needs. I bring perspective; fresh, innovative, and sometimes radical, to help you achieve your goals.

  • • Leadership architecture

    • Organizational design

    • Leadership values

    • Competency alignment

    • Leadership development

  • • Performance reviews

    • Goal practices

    • Psychological safety in feedback

    • Building parallel career paths for non-management and management

    • Succession planning

  • • Employee communications

    • Internal program launched

    • Content strategy

    • Internal marketing + email campaigns

    • Contributing writer

    • Audio scripts

  • • Needs discovery

    • Workforce assessment

    • Skill alignment

    • Planning and execution collaboration

    • Career path design


of your employee engagement
& development struggles could vanish if you
focused on developing leaders in a very intentional and accountable way.

Cohort Coaching

Say good-bye to workshops, and leadership series, and HELLO! to community learning. Group coaching is a path to building better leaders and teams. Activating a culture of learning, knowledge sharing, and collaborative problem solving, we’ll bring the “power in numbers” to life.

Intact teams, cohorts of managers, or cross-functional leaders coming together to work through organizational change, shifting ways of working, new collaborations, or anytime a collective of people struggle to be their best together.


Coaching is my calling—where my passion and purpose intersect. Drawing on my research in neuroscience, behavioral health, mindfulness, and hard-won experience, I'll help you navigate past the pitfalls and accelerate your path to professional brilliance.

Earning a certificate in 'been there, done that', I’m compassionately direct. I’ll hold you accountable and keep you focused. And when challenges strike, I'm your unwavering supporter, ready to help you rise and reclaim your strength.

Let's clear the clutter on your road to success, leaving more room for you to thrive.

Individual Coaching

Sessions dedicated to your individual needs. Meeting you where you are, in the moment you're in, to help you get unstuck and back to being your badass self.

Leveraging decades of experience to help you avoid the pitfalls, wasted time, and energy - and get you back on track to rock it in your career!


Just the words that matter. Less droning on. Turning complex blather into an enjoyable read.